Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration Testing

Examination of an IT system

What Is Vulnerability Scanning?

Vulnerability scanning is the examination of an IT system to identify weaknesses in security controls that can leave it open to cyber-attack.

A scanning tool is used to search for vulnerabilities in computers, devices and applications by collecting information and comparing it to a database of known flaws.

Despite being an important tool for highlighting necessary improvements to cyber security, vulnerability scanners are also used by black hat hackers to discover ways to gain unauthorised access to networks. Failing to proactively scan your environment could therefore give attackers the window of opportunity they need to stage an attack.

Benefits include

Identify cyber security strengths and weaknesses.
Provide stakeholder confidence that cyber security.
Confirm compliance with contractual and GDPR requirements.
Test effectiveness of security incident response plans.
Identify vulnerabilities before they are exploited in a cyber-attack.

What Is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing is a method for gaining assurance in the security of an IT system by attempting to breach some or all of that system’s security, using the same tools and techniques as an adversary might.

Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration Testing Service

Our Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration Testing services provide an in-depth examination that can include your full internal network, external network or a particular web application/server or device. We can target the testing and build the scope around your requirements.. A Certified Ethical Hacker will perform tests in accordance with an agreed scope and Terms of Reference. The report includes practical information and provides recommendations to remediate any discovered vulnerabilities.

Usually performed between the planned annual certification or customer assessments, this regular monthly or quarterly testing of an IT infrastructure, provides reports highlighting vulnerabilities with recommendations. It continuously verifies the effectiveness of remediation activities and patch management processes

Although vulnerability scanning and penetration testing is beneficial for every company, it is particularly important for companies that process and store sensitive data. Cyber security is an ever-evolving field so the more often pen testing is performed, the more prepared a company will be in the event of a cyber-attack. 

The Testing Report includes practical recommendations. As a Cyber Essentials Certification Body, we use our expertise and experience to improve the existing cyber security measures. 



We work closely with clients to understand any concerns and define the scope of the testing. We also help them to decide which type of testing would best suit their needs. The  types we offer are:

White Box Pen Testing

Black Box Pen Testing

Grey Box Pen Testing

Each type of test has pros and cons. We work closely with all of our clients to find the test that is best suited to their needs.

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